Learning Through Play
St. Catherine’s Preschool has been an inclusive preschool for more than 30 years
Welcoming families with children ages 2, 3 and 4 between 9am to 2:45pm Monday to Friday
We believe children
learn best through play
St. Catherine’s Preschool offers:
Preschool programming under a Group Care license
Childcare between 9am to 2:45pm with a preschool program.
Programs for ages 2, 3 and 4.
Participating in government fee reduction initiative (CCFRI).
Experienced ECE trained teachers & teaching assistants.
Development Resource teacher as part of the administration team.
Learning through play philosophy.
We are an inclusive, play based centre.
Safe and nurturing environment.
Flexible hours to meet the individual child’s needs.
Two multi age classrooms with a 1 teacher to 8 children ratio.
Large bright classrooms.
Large airy indoor gym and outdoor natural playground
SPACES AVAILABLE now for the 2024/25 school year.
Fill out a 2024/25 Registration Form and drop it off to the preschool office with your deposit cheque.
REGISTRATION NOW OPEN for the 2025/26 school year.
Currently Enrolled Families Registration: JAN 31st, 2025
New Family Registration: FEB 1st, 2025 onwards
Please drop-off your completed 2025/26 registration form and deposit cheque to the preschool between 9am-3pm or mail it to the address below. MAKE SURE WE HAVE IT BEFORE FEB. 1ST.
Please mark your #1 and #2 class choices. You can also drop it off after hours by putting it into the RED mailbox by our lobby doors. You must put it in an envelope marked PRESCHOOL and please do not put cash in the mailbox.
St. Catherine’s Preschool
1058 Ridgewood Drive
North Vancouver, BC, V7R 1H8
Note: All cheques should be made payable to ST. CATHERINE’S CHILDCARE SOCIETY and dated for MAY 1ST, 2025.

Preschool tours by appointment only
There will be information given outlining St. Catherine’s programs followed by a walking tour of the preschool classrooms. Please fill out the online form, call, or email the preschool office to sign up for one of the scheduled tours.
Phone: 604-980-1326
Email: stcpre@telus.net