Little Friendships
As the school year progresses, so do the little friendships in the classrooms. Some children come with a ready set group of friends, while others start off not knowing anyone. Each child develops at their own pace and interacting with peers is different for each child. Then there are the stages of play: solitary, parallel, associate and cooperative play. The children are developing their social skills and while playing with peers they are learning how to express their emotions and how to take turns. The dynamics in the groups change each day and they need to be able to communicate their needs to each other.
The classrooms are set up with a number of play areas. During free play the children are able to move from one activity to another. Young children are learning how to form friendships with a number of children, this sometimes depends on their play interest at the time. There are leaders and followers and young children may try on both roles during play. The teachers use Circle time to teach the children about peer interactions, being kind to others and our number one rule: No One Gets Hurt. If you any questions please speak with you child's teachers or email the office.
We are very excited that we will once again have our Christmas Service in the Church on Wednesday, Dec 7th, 2022 @ 6pm. The children in the Treehouse and Sunflower Rooms will be rehearsing during class time.