Are we at the end of the school year?
"Are we at the end of the school year?"- you may be asking this very question, as am I.
It seems like only yesterday that the Discovery 2s were dealing with Gradual Entry schedules and separation, and the 3s were back making new friends, connecting with old ones and getting to know their teachers. The 4s came back from the Summer break with all new skills and an excitement for learning and preparing for the next chapter in their lives. I have enjoyed spending time in all the classrooms and watching the children grow and meet their developmental milestones at their own pace through play.
A few things to think about over the Summer:
Emotional Development: a strong sense of trust, security, confidence and self-esteem - is the foundation for learning and growing.
Social Competence: making friends, sharing, turn taking, cooperation - are identified in all research as a critical factors for school success.
Language Development: vocabulary building, rhyming, oral communication, listening - is identified in all research as a prerequisite for academic success.
Please enjoy your Summer break, while you relax and enjoy these early years. I know I certainly did and now as Mere Mere to three beautiful grandchildren, I am confident that my 3 boys will carry on our family values of love, respect and having fun together.
Remember to laugh. it is good for the soul.