MAY 2023
MAY I tell you something? We have less than two months left before Summer Break!
An Important Message to All
We just want to make all families aware of the Church’s MEMORIAL GARDEN that is located between the small parking lot and the Church. The Memorial Garden is a special, quiet space designed to be a meaningful area that has been created as a tribute to lost loved ones. It is a place for quiet contemplation, prayer and a nice place to sit in the sun.
Please remember that there should be NO bikes, trikes , scooters, roller skates or throwing balls in the garden area. The great diversity of vegetation in the garden, the plants, flowers and trees are designed for you to enjoy with your eyes only, it is not a place to play. You are invited to sit quietly on a bench and have a quiet time. Children should not be pulling flowers out or climbing on the apple tree. Please respect this sacred space.
Thank you for your cooperation.
…for all your donations that we will send off to The BC Children’s Hospital in support of JEANS DAY! We have left the umbrellas out for an extra week just so everyone gets a chance to throw a few coins in!
RAINBOW ROOM-Danielle(T/Th), Rebecca (M/W), Vibha (M-Th)
We had a wonderful month in the Rainbow Room this April. Our themes this month included Flowers, Bugs, Frogs and Reptiles. Our classroom setup and decorations sparked tons of excitement and curiosity amongst the little ones. We included many bug/reptile sensory activities, exploration tables with leaves and cardboard boxes for hiding bugs and reptiles, terrariums and magnifying glasses. We had coloured and textured flowers in vases which the children loved giving to their friends and teachers, many colorful snakes hanging all over the classroom and so much more.
At Circle Time we introduced a couple of exciting children's yoga poses to practice throughout the month: Butterfly Pose, Tree Pose and Crocodile Pose. A few examples of our Circle Time activities: Crocodile and Turtle felt story, Turtles on a Rack song, The Very Hungry Caterpillar felt board story, Hide and Snake with sock props, Sleepy Caterpillars song, 5 Monkeys Teasing Mr. Crocodile felt rhyme, “I Found Hope in a Cherry Blossom Tree story, Tulip Recognition Game, I See Bugs felt story and 5 Little Butterflies felt board story.
Sleepy Caterpillars
Let's go to sleep, the little caterpillars said. (bend ten fingers into palms)
As they tucked themselves into their beds.
They will awaken by and by, (slowly unfold and hold up fingers)
And each one will be a lovely butterfly. (hands make flying motion)
During Art, we made tissue paper turtles and crocodiles, paper plate caterpillars, painted lizards with patterns and bubble wrap, made handprint tulips with paint, painted butterfly balloon prints, and we decorated jeans with sparkles, sequins and stickers for jeans week.
TREEHOUSE ROOM- Carol (T/Th), Catriona (MWF), Gabi (M-F), Karen (M-F), Mary (M-F)
Dear Preschool Parents,
We trust that you and your little ones had a delightful and rejuvenating Spring Break, filled with sunshine, laughter, and cherished moments together. As we bid farewell to winter and embraced the beauty of spring, our preschoolers embarked on an exciting journey exploring the wonders of the season through their art. Budding cherry blossom trees, flowers made with defusing paper and ducks, just to name a few.
During this year, we've been wholeheartedly focused on nurturing essential skills and knowledge to ensure our little learners are well-prepared for the next step in their educational journey (Kindergarten). With a vibrant theme centered around Community Helpers, including Firefighters, Construction Workers, Police Officers, Chefs, and Medical Professionals, we've sparked their curiosity and imagination through engaging activities and enriching experiences.
The children brought their culinary skills to make pancakes from scratch, right in our very own classroom! The children measured ingredients, mixed batter, and flipped pancakes with pride. The aroma of freshly cooked pancakes filled the air. It was a delightful experience that not only honed their fine motor skills but also taught them the importance of following instructions and working together as a team.
In another unforgettable moment, we were thrilled to welcome the brave Firefighters from North Vancouver to our preschool. The children were captivated by their visit, eagerly listening to safety tips and exploring the firetruck with wide-eyes. It was an interactive experience that not only educated but also inspired our young learners.
Continuing our exploration of the community, we embarked on an educational and fun-filled visit to Thrifty's grocery store in our neighbourhood. Led by the knowledgeable Kevin, the children had the opportunity to explore each department, learning about different food items and the importance of healthy eating habits. It was a hands-on experience that brought the concept of community helpers to life in a tangible and meaningful way.
Venturing outdoors, we embarked on a neighbourhood walk, eagerly searching for signs of spring during an exhilarating scavenger hunt. From blooming flowers to chirping birds, each discovery served as a reminder of the beauty and renewal that comes with the changing seasons, nurturing their connection to nature and the world around them.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who generously donated money to the BC Children’s Hospital during Jeans Week. Your contributions make a significant impact on the lives of children in need, and we are proud to in-still values of compassion and giving in our young learners.
As we look forward to the upcoming Mother's Day celebration, we've begun crafting special gifts filled with love and creativity to honour the incredible mothers in our preschool community. It's a small token of appreciation for the love and support you provide each and every day.
SUNFLOWER ROOM- Carol, Danielle, Monica
Hello All!
April is over, and it certainly brought some showers!
In the Sunflower Room, during the month we finished the latter half of the Alphabet. We had Pigs and Queens and Rain, Snakes and Tractors, as well as many other words starting with these letters. Introducing a new letter involves listening to the sound(s) that letter makes, and then trying it ourselves. We then try to think of as many words and things that start with that letter. Thank you to all the parents who helped their child to find things around the house to put into our Alphabet box. It’s a great learning experience for all the children. We played many alphabet inspired games such as Beanbag Letter Toss, What Letters are in your Name?, but the most fun was had by getting into pairs and searching the classroom for matching letter pairs. When we finally got to the end of the alphabet, we celebrated with Zany Hair Day (pictures at the bottom). It was great to see all the different ways to express ourselves through our hair.
While looking at the alphabet we also investigated one of our favourite author/illustrators, Eric Carle. We learned a little about his life, and quite a lot about his artistic methods, trying out a few ourselves in art. We read about the Turtle and the Hare and made the turtle with sponge printing and collage; Read the Very Busy Spider and The Very Lonely Firefly, making fireflies with water colours and tissue paper. The story of the Mixed Up Chameleon inspired us to made multi-coloured chameleons too.
Next we spent two weeks studying Outer Space. Firstly, Astronauts and spaceships and rockets. We talked about how people get to the moon and beyond, and the sorts of things they need to do so. The children let their imaginations go wild when they designed their flying saucers. We built space ships using the letters of our names, equipped astronauts, then attached them to life lines on the classroom wall. We made moon sand instead of playdough…. A very interesting texture. We have a two person rocket ship in the classroom, very close to Mission Control with all their dials, switches and screens. For the second week of our Space unit, we looked at our solar system and the planets. We went on an imaginary space walk around the preschool and church building…a lovely way to get children to walk slowly and quietly! The class was very engaged in this topic and the discussions we had; they learned a lot about the planets and space exploration and we all now have a soft spot for Pluto and other dwarf planets. Who knew a lesson on planets would lead to a lesson on treating people who are different from us with kindness and consideration.
This brings us to Jeans Week! We looked at the selfless things hospital workers do for us all, and specifically the work of Children’s Hospital. Our space station then had medical supplies to encourage thinking about helping others. We decorated little pairs of jeans and accepted donations in our upturned umbrella. A big thankyou to all who gave so generously.
We have been working on some special surprises for this coming month, which of course we’ll share in the next blog!
As always, please feel free to speak to us if you have any questions or concerns.
Welcome to May.
As I go through the classrooms I am noticing a different energy.
The 2s are playing and communicating with their peers in small groups. They are sharing and using their words and following directions. They are transitioning from one activity to another with just verbal encouragement. They are going up and down the stairs independently while holding the railing. Their self-help sills are improving and it is great to see how many have mastered toilet training. Please help them build their self-confidence by encouraging and allowing them to try new things by themselves with supervision.
The 3s are demonstrating their keen awareness of how to interact with peers and how they can play together cooperatively. At circle time, their attention span has increased and they are able to sit and listen circle time and share their ideas. They are developing more fine motor skills and are now able to complete more complex tasks.
Kindergarten, here come the 4s! The children are demonstrating that they are ready for new challenges. Parents can help with the transition to Kindergarten by:
* Talking with your child about the impending changes
* Helping your child master many self-help skills
* Encouraging your child to ask for help when needed
* Allowing your child to practice working and playing independently
* Helping your child follow directions
* Helping your child learn his/her full name
* Teaching your child about rules and how important they are
Over 30 caterpillars will be arriving May 15th and they will reside in the Tree House Room. All the children will have an opportunity to see them as they pass through the stages of development into Painted Lady Butterflies. We will release them into the Memorial Garden in early June.
The Memorial Garden is a special, quiet space designed to be a meaningful area that has been created as a tribute to lost loved ones.
NO bikes, trikes ,scooters, roller skates or throwing balls in the garden area. The great diversity of vegetation in the garden, the plants, flowers and trees are designed for you to enjoy with your eyes only, it is not a place to play. You are invited to sit quietly on a bench and have a quiet time. Children should not be pulling flowers out or climbing on the apple tree. Please respect this sacred space.
If you have any questions or concerns, please speak with your teachers or contact the office.