Snowman’s Valentine
I have a jolly snowman,
The best I’ve ever had.
I’m giving him a valentine,
That ought to make him glad.
I made him very carefully.
He looked good from the start.
But I noticed only yesterday,
He hasn’t any heart.
So quickly with my scissors
And paper red and fine,
I’ve made a fancy little heart.
My snowman’s valentine!
The Preschool Staff will be having their Pro D Day on Friday, February 16th and this year, we will be participating in a workshop called The Blanket Exercise. We will have a Squamish Nation member facilitate this workshop. You can see what it is all about here: https://www.kairoscanada.org/what-we-do/indigenous-rights/blanket-exercise
We are looking for a few extra people to join our workshop on Friday., Feb. 16th.
If you would like to join our workshop (10am-12pm) please contact the office ASAP. Only a few spots available. You can email us at stcpre@telus.net or call at 604-980-1326.
September 2024 Registration for Current Families is now complete. Everyone got the days and times they wanted. Classrooms will be determined during the Summer Break when registration numbers are finalized. You will get an official email later this month confirming your child’s registration.
FEB 1 | THURS | Preschool Registration 2024/25 |
FEB 13/14 | TUE/WED | Children's Valentine's Day Parties |
FEB 13 | TUE | Church Pancake Supper |
This time of year is busy and the teachers have a lot of things to show you so please, read on!
RAINBOW ROOM - Danielle (Tu/Th), Rebecca (M/W), Vibha (M-Th)
Winter, Winter
Cold and ice
A mug of hot chocolate
Would be nice
Written by Nicolette Lennert
In the month of January, children had an excellent chance to visualize and grasp the cold aspects of winter. We explored a variety of topics, including delicate beauty of snowflakes, snowmen, the fascinating lives of winter animals, and the thrill of winter sports.
Our art included crafting popsicle stick snowflakes, snowmen collage, creating winter hats through marble painting, making mittens with colourful tissue paper, charming penguins and polar bears. We used rubber thimble finger tip to decorate the hockey sticks and pucks. We also introduced ice painting with hockey sticks. This art was a playful blend of creativity and fun.
Our circle time, we explored the habitats of penguins and polar bears. Six little penguins skated on ice felt rhyme. We read a story about I am a hockey rink. We discussed various winter sports equipment, engaging into an ice skate matching game. To add a touch of rhythm and movement we waddled like penguins.
During the month of February, we will be focusing on Valentine’s Day, Chinese New Year and exciting activities and songs by Raffi.
Vibha, Danielle and Rebecca.
TREEHOUSE ROOM - Carol (Tu/Th), Catriona (MWF), Gabi (M-F), Karen (M-F), Mary (M-F)
January began with our exploration of colours, letters and numbers.
**Colours Galore:**
From the moment they walk through our classroom door our preschoolers are greeted by a kaleidoscope of colours. Through hands-on activities, sensory play, and art projects, they are exploring the rich palette of hues that surround them. From mixing paints to sorting coloured objects, they are learning to identify and appreciate the beauty of colours in their everyday lives.
**Counting Adventures:**
Numbers come to life as our curious learners embark on counting adventures. Whether it's counting blocks, fingers, or buttons on their jackets, they are discovering the magic of numbers all around them. Through games, songs, and playful activities, they are honing their counting skills and developing a foundational understanding of mathematics that will serve them well in the years to come.
**Letters Everywhere:**
In every corner of our classroom, letters are waiting to be discovered. From alphabet blocks to storybooks, our preschoolers are surrounded by the building blocks of language. Through letter recognition games, tracing activities, and storytelling sessions, they are beginning to unlock the mysteries of reading and writing. With each new letter they learn, they are one step closer to becoming confident and literate individuals.

As we journey through this exploration of colours, numbers, and letters together, I am continually inspired by the boundless curiosity and enthusiasm of our little learners.
Winter has descended upon us, casting a magical spell over our preschool classroom. As we embrace the beauty of the season, here's a glimpse into the enchanting world of winter that our little ones are exploring:
**Dressing for the Chill:**
With the crisp Winter air nipping at our noses, we've been talking about the importance of dressing warmly. From sturdy boots to snuggly hats and mittens, our preschoolers are learning to bundle up in cozy layers to stay toasty during outdoor playtime.
**Animal Antics in Winter:**
Winter is a time of transformation for our furry and feathered friends, and our curious learners are fascinated by their seasonal behaviors. From learning about animals hibernating in cozy dens to observing birds migrating to warmer climates, we're exploring the wonders of nature's winter adaptations. Through stories, songs, and hands-on activities, our preschoolers are gaining a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of all living things.
**Snowy Adventures and Activities:**
Ah, snow – the quintessential symbol of Winter fun! Our preschoolers have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of snowflakes, and when they finally came, we wasted no time diving into snowy adventures. Indoors, we've been getting creative with winter-themed crafts and sensory play, from glittering snowflake art to squishy snow dough.
**Unexpected Snow Days:**
Just when we thought our winter adventures couldn't get any more exciting, we were treated to not one, but two unexpected snow days! While they may have disrupted our usual routine, these snow days turned into unexpected opportunities for snowy escapades and cozy indoor activities, from sledding down snow-covered hills to snuggling up with hot cocoa and storybooks.
February brings Lunar New Year, Valentines Day, Family Day and so much more!
SUNFLOWER ROOM (MWF) - Carol, Danielle
Hello Everyone,
The days are starting to get longer… if only they would get a little dryer!
We’ve only been outside to play for a few days this month, but have had lots of
opportunities to set up the gym in a variety of ways. We almost always have
bikes, ride-in-cars, scooters and wagons on one side of the gym (separated by
traffic cones) and the other side can vary from day to day. We have a climber and
slide, basketball hoops, a hockey net and sticks, lots of different sizes and types of
balls, large mats that we can arrange in different ways to create obstacle courses,
etc. We bring out hoops, foam floor puzzle shapes and letters and numbers,
bowling pins, stackable blocks, and much more. We also take advantage of the
large space to play group games like “Duck Duck Goose”, “What Time is it Mr.
Wolf?” Freeze Tag, etc.
In The Sunflower Room we started January with two weeks of “Going to the Fair”
and Cirque de Soleil. We had a small circus tent and a lovely small wooden
climber/obstacle course. We had a go at Ring Toss, Tumbling, Stilts, Balancing
Games and The Parachute game. We even watched a short video of the amazing
trapeze artists of Cirque de Soleil.
We talked about the food of the fair, like popcorn, cotton candy, mini doughnuts;
the pony and dog agility events, clowns, jugglers and magicians.
In art we made circus tents, ice cream cone paintings that really look like real ice
cream!, a Ferris Wheel, Clowns, an acrobat, magicians’ hats and ponies.
The next theme was all about the local singer song writer Raffi. Always a hit, we
listened to so many of his songs, sang along and danced too. Our art included
Watermelons (Down by the Bay), Belugas (Baby Beluga), Toothbrush painted
Teeth (Brush Your Teeth) Grandpa’s Farm (Down on Grandpa’s Farm).
Other favourite songs were: Shake Your Sillies Out, Banana Phone, Apples and
Bananas, Spider on the Floor, Willaby Wallaby, Everything Grows etc. etc. etc.!
During the last week of January we have been exploring a few of the fairy tales of
Hans Christian Anderson; specifically The Ugly Duckling, (we did lovely swan
paintings) The Princess and the Pea ( cut out and glued little mattresses) and using
a beautiful African version of the story; The Emperor’s New Clothes, was the
traditional version as well as a Penguin story!
Academically, we are working a little harder (we’re still learning through play) on
pre- kindergarten skills for the 4/5 year olds.
Thank you all once again for your ongoing support. We have a happy, lively
classroom in which it is a pleasure to teach and play!
Thank you all once again for your ongoing support. We have a happy, lively classroom in which it is a pleasure to teach and play!
See you soon, Danielle & Carol
We have been discussing the way we treat our friends at school. Our # 1 rule is "No Body Gets Hurt", that means with our words or actions. Also, to be mindful on how we play with toys in the classroom. Showing respect to others may seem like a natural part of everyday life, but it is a learned behaviour. It is important for adults to teach by modeling how to be respectful.
Respect teaches empathy. A big part of having empathy is having an inherent respect for everyone. Learning respect helps children to effectively communicate with adults, peers and to understand social cues. We model respect in our classrooms by promoting values of diversity and inclusion.
Here are some ways to help children understand the meaning of being respectful.
* Playing turn taking games allows children to practice patience and to be respectful of someone else's turn.
* Apologizing for doing something that hurts a peer or their feelings.
* Encourage children to speak to an adult about a problem.
* Children should feel comfortable expressing their feelings, wants and needs.
* Children should be respectful of their peers' choices of play.
Children need to be taught in small chunks and that starts with small do-able tasks when they are very young. Taking care of books and toys is very important. Toys should be tidied up regularly, so nothing gets lost or broken. Offer buckets and baskets for sorting toys when they need to be cleaned up, make a game out of the clean up, "How many pieces can you pick up?" Positive reinforcement by an adult during these times will be helpful in making your child proud and caring of people and things.