February is a short month but there is a lot going on so make sure you're paying attention to all of our signs and notices at pick up and drop off.
We are officially half way through the school year and the second half always seems to go so much faster than the first so make sure you are checking the school calendars, notice boards and emails regularly for updates to our schedule regarding school closures and Special Events!!
SAMOSA FUNDRAISER: Start Feb 6 - End Feb 26
Our Samosa Fundraiser is always very popular and we have decided to do another. Please check out all the items they have for sale online at:
And please let your friends and family members know that we are doing a Samosa Fundraiser. That way we will get more support and they will get yummy, yummy food!
The Fundraiser starts Feb 6th and will end on Wed., Feb 26. Order pick up will be on Wed. Mar 8th at the preschool.
We will be fundraising for more outdoor and Gym equipment.
Registration is now complete for all our currently enrolled families and everyone has gotten their first choice of classes. Congratulations!! If you plan on increasing your time or changing/adding days, please let the office know.

Please let other families from the community know that we are still registering for September on a first come first served basis. We still have plenty of spaces available for 2s, 3s and 4s. Word of mouth is our best advertiser!! Also, think about handing out some of our postcards to help us advertise. Please put them in places that parents of small children may attend. Thanks in advance!!
Important Dates & School Closures
FEB 6 - Samosa Fundraiser starts
FEB 13/14 - Children's Valentine's Day Parties
FEB 21 - Church Pancake Supper
FEB 26 - Samosa Fundraiser ENDS
MAR 8 - Samosa Pick Up
TBA - Easter Service (3s & 4s)
Please check out all the great things that happened in our classrooms in January... It's in our blog with pictures too!!
RAINBOW ROOM - Danielle, Susan, Vibha
Happy New Year to all our two’s families! We are happy to be back to the routine and learning in the Rainbow Room.
With the weather being cold and grey we like to focus on the theme of winter. Luckily
winter brings many activities, stories and learning opportunities! One of our favorites is snow and ice.
The children learned about the many animals that prefer to live in the cold. Brrrr!
During Art, Snowy owls were made with a luffa, polar bears were created following a stencil, and cute penguins were glued together. To bring the winter animals to Circle we read “Owl Babies”, and we listened to two CD stories: “A Snowy Day” and “The Penguin and the Lollipop”.
Circle is a great time for both the children and the teachers. This is a creative opportunity for the teachers to show off their knowledge as well as to provide the children with a learning experience in an interactive way. The children listened and watched a few felt stories; “5 Snowmen”, “5 Mittens”, and “5 Owls Sitting on a Tree”.
Along with learning about the many animals that thrive in winter, we discussed the many fun winter activities that we can partake in. Skating on ice is always a fun way to be active in winter. During Art, the children made marble painted skates.
In order to stay warm in winter it is best to bundle up, so the children made winter hats with a cozy pom pom on top. The story “Under My Hood I Have A Hat”, went well with teaching the children the many articles of clothing that are worn when the weather is cold.
Another fun activity that takes place in wintertime is the game of hockey. Having hockey sticks, a jersey and pucks in the classroom was a hit! The children loved painting with a hockey stick, and a painting puck was pushed around on a piece of paper to make a beautiful watercolor painting.
A highlight of the many winter events that took place over the month of January, was making vegetable soup with the twos. Each child was able to contribute their chopping and stirring skills to help
make a yummy warm soup. The children were able to taste their creation at snack time!
Lunar New Year fell in the month of January this year and teacher Rose came into our classroom to help teach and celebrate this holiday. A red paper banner was made with the children’s art, dragons made from muffin liners were created and each child went home with a red envelope and a lucky golden coin! We enjoy bringing all cultures into the classroom to represent everyone!
The teachers would like to remind the parents that there are a couple upcoming events happening
within the school. Firstly, we will be enjoying a Valentine's Day party with the children so please watch for an email with more details. Secondly, the preschool will be closed February 20 for Family Day.
TREEHOUSE ROOM - Carol, Gabi, Karen, Rose, Kamal
We all dread a dark, grey, cold, seemingly uneventful January after all the holidays', happy, loud, colourful excitement in December. In our world, I mean working with young children, life goes on just as colourful (more glitter in your carpets) just as loud, (maybe a little louder), when the children return after the holidays. It is quite magical to see their growth - I don’t mean the shorter pants or harder to zip up coats - but the way they interact with their peers and with us, the confident stride in their steps as they head straight to the right cubbies to start a day, by very independently changing footwear, hanging up their coats and placing food containers and water bottles on the shelves.
Their questions are more complex, never ending, and very clever. It’s hard to follow their game rules as they try to manipulate them to their own advantage, but thankfully they think of their closest friends' place in those games more often too. It’s heart warming and fun to watch them walking holding hands, attempting to save spots for their friends in line ups or on benches or speaking up for the ones who haven’t found their voices yet.
Their imaginations are amazing! A few days ago we were watching the whole class playing with one box of colourful links. The children found numerous ways to share them and some very creative ideas were bouncing back and fourth. They started off by measuring, comparing sizes of objects (future engineers), they created some impressive jewelry (future designers), used them as collars for their ‘pet friends’, (future vets), capturing their lured-in peers with them by connecting multiple chairs (politicians?), using them as ‘money’ to buy ‘better’ toys….
Besides their remarkably impressive communication and self- help skills, our Fours are working on Kindergarten Readiness. Our art projects have a few more steps requiring extra time spent focusing, completing tasks. We will also be spending more time working on numbers, letters, shapes and colour recognition, cutting, folding paper, puzzles. The children are all able to find their own names and they follow directions well (and they are more than happy to tell others what to do who don’t follow the rules ) .
In the past month we played with cardboard box snowmen and cars that the class painted, we created some ‘cool’ snowy artwork, learned about winter weather and activities.
We celebrated the Lunar New Year with music, movement, dancing, rhymes and stories focused on the celebration.
We are very excited to start “Show and Share”. It will be a great opportunity for the children to showcase some family treasures ( photos, toys, artwork, books etc. ) and to prepare them for public speaking. Thank you for sharing our enthusiasm, the sign up sheet was filled the first day!
SUNFLOWER ROOM - Carol, Danielle, Rose
Gong Hey Fat Choy! What a wonderful year of learning we have to look forward to and we have already started the new year with a bang!
We began the new year learning about different Canadian Animals. We started with Polar Bears and Owls. We read ‘Owl Babies’ & ‘Polly the Polar Bear’. We listened to the felt rhymes
5 Owls & 5 Polar Bears.
We played the action game ‘
Animals in the Forrest’
We used pinecones, glue, and feathers to make our own owls. We also talked about Moose & Wolves. We sang the action rhyme ‘You’re a Wolf & You Know it’ & ‘Wolfy Goofy’. We read ‘Duck, Duck Moose & ‘If you give a Moose a Muffin’. We played the games ‘What’s the Time Mr. Wolf’ & ‘Duck, Duck, Moose’. For art we painted with forks to make a polar bears face and decorate the wolf’s body. We turned our home corner into a veterinarians office for Canadian Wildlife.
We moved our theme of Canadian Animals into Healthy Eating = Healthy Bodies. We started with learning about our bodies and what they are made of. We read “Skeleton Hiccups", "The Bones you Own" & "Cold Crunch Colorful”. We played the action songs ‘Dem bones & Shake it’. For art we used cotton buds to make a skeleton and pink tissue paper to decorate lungs. We made a collage of our own bodies and used healthy bodies to decorate it.
In preparation for a trip to the grocery shop we painted with vehicles that transport food and a plate of ‘healthy food’. We had a awesome tour of Thrifty’s, they were so helpful, kind and generous. We also had time to buy the ingredients for our healthy soup, which we made when we learned about Chefs. We also explored healthy foods in the home corner by cooking with lots of yummy fruits and vegetables.
In learning about Healthy Bodies, we explored the people who help us to stay healthy and safe. We started with Chefs. We talked about what Chefs do and who works with them. We read ‘Winter Soup’ and sang Pat-a-cake, Pat-a-cake & The Baker’s Shop. We cut up all our veggies to make our soup. It was yummy but not popular with many.
Next, we moved on to talking about Dentists and what they do. We talked about how we keep our teeth healthy. We read ‘Going to the Dentist’ and sang ‘5 Little Toothbrushes’ and ‘Going to the Dentist’. We played music instruments while we sang ‘We Brush, Brush, Brush our Teeth.’ On the science table we had ‘teeth’ and dental tools. We went on to talk about doctors. We read “Doctor” & “Checkups”. We sang ‘Miss Polly had a Dolly’ & ‘5 Monkey’s Jumping on the Bed’. The home corner was transformed into a hospital, and we had many doctors and patients. It was a very busy place.
We continued with our discussion on how there are a lot of people who keep us healthy, happy and safe. So, we had a very special visit from a member of the Police Department; one of our parents: Officer Rob. The children got to see the police car, see the flashing lights and hear the siren. We talked about how the Police are here to help us and keep us safe. We read the books “Police Officers & ‘Think Big, Little One”.
In the gym, we played What’s the Time Police Officer? We also talked about Firefighters and how they help us as well. We read “Pete the Cat Firefighter” and had a safety recap of our fire procedures. We practiced ‘Stop, Drop & Roll’ and crawled low under smoke. For art we made a firefighter collage – following many instructions.
At the end of January, we explored the Lunar New Year! The Year of the Rabbit. Teacher Rose explained the traditions and shared a story about Chinese New Year and the 12 Chinese zodiac signs. She presented each of us with a red envelope called ‘Lai Si’. We read the books “Dragon Dance, Lion Dance", "Goldy Luck & The 3 Pandas" & "D is for Dragon". We listened to the felt rhyme ‘5 Red & Gold Dragons’.
We used the drums we made to ‘dance’ in a line all the way to the music room where we watched the DVD ‘Kailin’s Chinese New Year’. We painted our drums, cut out the label and threaded beads onto the wool. We also made dragons with cupcake liners and lots of glue. We had fun in the water table with packaging noodles, red feathers, ribbon, and red pompoms. We were busy in the home corner preparing our ‘house’ for the new year by cooking, cleaning and playing with our friends.
We also welcomed some new friends into our classroom for us to play and learn with: Alex, Arisha & Lachlan!
For February we will talk about Valentine’s Day and Construction
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to let us know.
The children have settled back into their daily routines. After four months of school, it is time to observe the developmental milestones which are being achieved by each age group. No two children develop, grow or learn in the same way or do things at the same pace.
* they can jump, run and climb stairs
* are starting to use 3-4 word sentences
* often do the opposite of what is asked of them
* learn about rules but are not able to remember them all the time
* show affection by returning hugs and kisses
* like pretend play
* by reading stories and asking open ended questions
* talking about things they are doing and seeing
* being calm and comforting after a temper outburst
* being consistent with what they can and cannot do
* offering choices
* being toilet trained during the day, usually dry during the night
* using 8-9 word sentences
* pedal a trike and kick a ball
* sometimes expresses feelings with words
* uses imagination to create stories & play activities
* longer attention span
* going to community activities
* giving them small chores to do around the house
* model when to say please, thank you and sorry
* can put away toys with some help
* schedule appointments for teeth, hearing and eyes
* likes to play make believe
* asks lots of questions
* can dress themselves with some assistance
* shares and takes turns but can be possessive of favourite toys
* starting to understand danger
*Let them make meaningful choices every day
* give them crayons, markers and pencils so that they can practice drawing and forming letters
* pay attention to them when they are talking
* give them opportunities to have play dates with peers
Good vision is important for children's learning and development. All children should see an optometrist before kindergarten. B.C. Medical Service Plan covers vision check-ups once a year for children under the age of 19, however some clinics have charges associated with children's eye exams. It is a good idea to call eye clinics before scheduling an appointment to ask about costs and other services.
Find an optometrist in your area: BC Doctors of Optometry: bc.doctorsofoptometry