April 2020
Usually March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb...but I feel we may be in for a SAFARI during the month of APRIL!!
Well, here we are on April 1st and no joke, these have to be some of the strangest times that many of us have ever been in before!
Hopefully our building will open for May but unfortunately, it is out of our hands and we must wait to hear how this pandemic will play out for us in North Vancouver. We will keep you informed as soon as we hear anything.
All preschool spaces will be held until the end of the year for those currently enrolled.
Refunds will be issued for those who have already paid for April, and other months, once we find out if we will be continuing in May or not.
Take this time to spend quality time with your families. We may never get this opportunity again and let me tell you, they grow up fast and one day...they do move out!
Get plenty of sunshine (as the Covid virus does not like it!) and fresh air and STAY HEALTHY!!
If we all do our part, keep social distancing and washing our hands, we will get through this.
The Preschool Office is open for responding to emails and phone messages if you have any questions or concerns.
March was a great, but a short month for us at preschool. But we did do some great stuff in our classrooms. Please check it out below!!
AND WHILE YOU ARE AT HOME: You can KEEP SUPPORTING THE PRESCHOOL and help to keep your child's boredom at bay!!
PLEASE think about ordering from SCHOLASTIC BOOKS! All orders are shipped to your home!
Visit: www.scholastic.ca/clubshop
NOTE: SUMMER PROGRAM REGISTRATION HAS BEEN POSTPONED TO A LATER DATE. Hopefully we will be able to run the program in July!! We will keep you informed.
APR 8/9 - Easter Services - *CANCELLED*
APR 13 - Easter Monday - PRESCHOOL CLOSED
APR 27 - MAY 1 - Jeans Week to support Children's Hospital *POSTPONED*
MAY 4 - Possible Preschool Start Date - Look for Confirmation Email in late April
MAY 6/7 - Music Open House (3s & 4s) *POSTPONED TO A LATER DATE*
MAY 18 - Victoria Day - PRESCHOOL CLOSED
JUNE 15-19 - Extra week of classes added in lieu of extra week taken at Spring Break
JUNE 19 - 4's Graduation
JUNE 19 - Last Day of Preschool
JUNE 22/23 - Picnics
DISCOVERY TWOS - Vibha, Arsi, Danielle, Marjan, Rose
March was a short month for us but before we left for Spring Break, we did a lot of stuff!
At the sandbox, we had beautiful
yellow flowers and rocks, which the children enjoyed playing with together.
At the
water table, we had a few small frog toys and one big beautiful frog in the
middle and the children were having fun with them as well.
At the science table,
there were some nests and birds and a few logs, and the children enjoyed working
with them.
At the art table, children made birds with beautiful colourful
feathers. They also made amazing flowers with their hand prints and you would be
thrilled to see how the beautiful flowers were made with their little hands!
Other days, the children made caterpillar collage art and leaves with marble painting for the caterpillars to sit on. They
were beautifully done!
They also painted their own rocks, and used pine cones and little brushes and leaves for painting
another day.
For circle time, we had Five Little Birds felt story, Blue Bird Blue Bird What Do You See? felt story, Five Little Peonies Flower felt story, the Rain Story book, Five Little Tulips felt story
and rhyme, Little Birds rhyme and action song, Mouse's First Spring book, Dancing with Sunflowers, I am a Little Sunflower, My Sunflower action rhymes,
and the 10 Little Speckled Frogs book.
We had a great and focused two weeks in
March. We look forward to more preschool in the future. Stay healthy and we hope to be back at preschool soon.
TREEHOUSE ROOM - Karen, Susan, Brita, Marjan, Carol
I hope you all had a good Spring Break
and a great relaxing time with your family before this pandemic has made us all so anxious!
Welcome to the world of Dr.Seuss. We
were talking about Dr.Seuss for two weeks. In the house corner, we had cages
and lots of stuffies which the children really enjoyed playing with.
At the water table, the children were playing with
alphabet crabs, referring to the Dr.Seuss alphabet book that was read for
children on a previous day at the circle time.
At the circle time, we read many
other Dr. Seuss books, including the Green Eggs and Ham, One Fish Two Fish, and
Red Fish Blue Fish books. We sang "I'm a little fish song" and the
"Green Egg Green Egg What Do You See" felt story.
Another book was "Cat in the
Hat", "Hands Hands Finger Thumb", "What you can do in a
people house", "The Foot Book", and "Hop on Pop". We
had games about finding the Lorax behind the Truffala tree, and what
colour Truffala tree is missing. Also "What hat is the cat in the hat
behind" game with Dr. Seuss characters. During the circle time, we also
had learning fun facts about Dr.Seuss, like his full name, the number of children's
book that he wrote and illustrated, his funny hat collection, how he visited
his dad when he worked at a zoo, and how he came home and doodled afterwards.
also read "What pet should I get?" book. We listed the pets that each
child would like. We also read "How the Grinch stole Christmas" book,
and discussed the message of the book, which is the true meaning of Christmas. Dr. Seuss
ABC was another book; we sang the alphabet while rowing our boats, we wrote a
list of words that started with the letters of the alphabets. We also practiced
our Easter songs.
For art, we had "Cat in the
Hat" collage and also Truffala trees on water colour. Children also made a
red fish, blue fish with the hand prints of both their hands. They also made
green eggs by stamp painting. Children were sponge painting, decorating pet
shapes, onion stamping the grinch face and decorating it, and painting the
letters of the alphabet and corresponding shapes.
We also watched video about
Dr.Seuss called The Lorax, Cat in the Hat, and Green Eggs and Ham.
And last but not
least, we went for a neighborhood walk, and the children enjoyed their yummy hot
chocolate from Delany's.
We hope to see you all in the preschool soon!
SUNFLOWER ROOM - Arsi, Danielle, Carol
To our 401 parents, we’d like to start by
saying we hope your family and friends are healthy and safe. We miss our
children very much and we hope they are all doing well.
Our month of March began with looking into Spring! We began by talking about planting seeds and flowers. During circle,
the children helped Danielle plant a seed, using soil and a shovel. This
opened up the conversation about seeds, pollination, and ways flowers can start
to grow.
We read the book “Seeds to plant” which showed us the parts of the
flower as it’s planted. We learned about roots, stems, leaves and the flower. We
also looked at items needed for gardening such as gloves, shovels, rakes and
pots to name a few.
The children were excited to learn that even the wind and
birds can help Mother Nature by planting seeds! Furthermore, we learned about
how bees pollinate flowers. Bees are so
important to us! We also looked at the books, “Flowers,” “Grow Flower Grow,”
and “This is the Sunflower.” We pretended to be sunflowers and danced to “I’m a
little Sunflower.” We had fun with the felt rhymes called “5 little Flowers”
and “My little sunflower.” For art, we sequenced from 1-3 the steps of planting
a seed, we drew a flower using dot to dot numbers, we made our own flowers in a
pot using different shapes, and we used sunflower seeds to make our own
On our second week, we read the book
“Mouse’s First Spring,” “When will it be Spring?”, “It looked like spilt milk,”
and “Outside inside.” These books talked about the change in weather and how
outside looks a bit different. The children mentioned such things as we hear
birds, trees start budding with leaves, grass starts to grow, we wear boots and
rain coats, and the temperature becomes a bit warmer. We played a felt board guessing
game called “which colour flower is missing?” and sang a song called “Spring
The children loved and giggled through the story of “It looked like
spilt milk,” and enjoyed watching the felt pieces of each cloud as it was put
on the board. We then talked about why we need rain in spring and what shape
clouds they’ve seen when they look up into the sky! There were some amazing
shapes! We also played a felt board game
where the moon hid behind various coloured clouds! The children were super
excited when the moon was found each time. That silly Herman the worm also made
an appearance at circle as we sang his song! He got bigger and bigger as he ate
a grape, an apple, a banana, and a watermelon!! Ask the teacher what happened to
him at the end?? It’s quite funny!
We also did a funny action song called
“Wiggly Worm,” a felt board rhyme called “6 little worms,” and a fun rhyme
named “Where can they be?” For art, the children used nature as their brush to
paint a nature art. It was neat to see how the children really enjoyed using
nature to create amazing pieces of art! Moreover, we used our fine motor skills
to practice cutting out a worm. This worm loved mud and so the children used wide
brushes to paint “mud” for their worm to sit on!
What a fun month March was so far!!! We
learned many things about spring and nature!
We wish you all a healthy and happy spring
break and hope to see you soon once it’s safe!